Using ChatGPT To A/B Test Your Sales Page

If you have been following me for any time you will find out that I have a vicious addiction to building SaaS products. For me building them is easy but one of my shortcomings is my ability to market them so I have decided to make some moves to fix that.

One of which is crafting stellar sales pages to help conversions and getting that launched at the same time as the public alpha (if not earlier). In order to help finetune the sale page I got to thinking that A/B testing would be nice. If you are not familiar with A/B testing it is where you generate different versions of your landing page. This could be as simple as crafting variations of your headlines and/or copy or as major as creating variations of your entire page layout.

There is one problem: I have never been particularly interested in copy writing and because of that have never taken the time to sharpen that skill. So I would need some help. Now it would be great if I could stumble into Steve Jobs to my Steve Wozinak but to date I have not found them. Not being securage and seeing as we are in the great AI gold rush right now I thought ChatGPT or some other LLM might be able to assist me in this endeavor.

Of course this got me thinking: I can’t be the only one that wants to use LLMs to help A/B test my sales page? Wouldn’t this make a great tool for the general public? It just might. So I am tucking it away in my long list of SaaS products to build(And by tucking it away I mean sharing it with the world via my daily writing).

There are no billion dollar ideas, just billion dollar execution. So feel free to run with this idea if you beat me to it. Then send me a link so I can use it.


PS: If you are interested in engaging my services as a Web Application Architect check out my Group Coaching Program or 1 on 1 Consulting at and check out my FREE eBook 20 Things You Can DoTo Save Money On Your Amazon Web Services Bill Today